The Jupiter Effect
In this installment of “Planet Power,” we will discuss The Jupiter Effect, mentioned in Chapter 4 of our new publication “When to Buy and When to Sell;” Combining Easy Indicators, Charts, and Financial Astrology (available on Amazon).
Jupiter is the largest planet in our universe, changes zodiac signs approximately once every 12-13 months, and takes about 12-14 years to complete one rotation around the sun. This divides to slightly over 1 year, on average, positioned in each zodiac sign. This planet is known as the “Great Benefic,” and tends to represent societal change with each transit into a new sign.
Some of the main traits and energies (including financial) attributed to Jupiter include; expansion, fortune, growth, and even luck.
Jupiter has been positioned in the sign of Taurus (an Earth sign, ruled by Venus, and symbolized by the Bull), since mid-May of 2023. Both Taurus and Venus signify positive money related matters, and the United States Stock Market has responded with a very healthy gain of almost 27%, as the S&P 500 rose from 4,136 to 5,248, as of the close today, March 27, 2024. Sectors gaining during this time frame continued to be financially based, including Bitcoin, and technology, as the planet Uranus (technology and sudden change) also remained positioned in Taurus. The food and agriculture industry were also highlighted (related to earth), due to several factors during these significant placements in this sign.
There is a highly anticipated Jupiter conjunct Uranus transit (see upcoming Trader Transit blog on 4-3-24), occurring on April 20, signifying more advances. However, a Mercury retrograde period (see upcoming Trader Transit blog on 4-1-24), that historically causes volatility in the equity markets may pause those advances for the short term.
Jupiter will then transition into the sign of Gemini, on May 25, 2024 (an Air sign, ruled by Mercury), which represents communications, imagination, as well as forward thinking, invention, learning, and intelligence. In the financial markets, it signifies information technology, transportation, and electronics.
The two previous instances where Jupiter traveled through Gemini were from June 2000 – July 2001, a time when wireless phones, reality television, and digital media became prominent, and from June 2012 – June 2013, when Netflix streamed its initial original show, and Instagram, IOS (Apple), and Vine were released.
Financial astrologers commonly believe that sectors including technology (led by AI and robotics), as well as electric vehicle advances, will continue to flourish during this planet’s stay in Gemini, although there will be some bumps along the way with other transit energies, including the Jupiter/Saturn “square” in mid-to-late August (which will be covered in a future Trader Transits blog). A conjunction between Jupiter and Mars will also occur during the week leading up to this square, suggesting possible violent moves in the market. Jupiter transits of all kinds are generally believed to strengthen the energies of the associated sign, house, and/or other planet(s). Jupiter has been in soft/favorable aspects (conjunctions, sextiles, and trines), for quite some time, however, there are some hard/unfavorable aspects (squares and oppositions) approaching. For traders, during this time frame, continue to be unemotional (as always), and be cautious not to “overthink” or be too impulsive with your decisions.
This information is not intended to be financial advice, but rather a guide to assist the reader in some further understanding of movements in the sky, and how they can correlate with moods, behaviors, world events, and financial markets.