
      In this installment of “Planet Power,” we will discuss the planet Uranus, noted in Chapter 4 of our new publication “When to Buy and When to Sell;” Combining Easy Indicators, Charts, and Financial Astrology (available on Amazon).

      Uranus is the third to last furthest planet from the Sun in our universe, changes zodiac signs approximately once every 7 years, and takes about 84 years to complete one rotation around the sun. This planet is known as the “Great Disruptor” representing sudden, unexpected events, and radical change. 

      Some of the main traits and energies (including financial) attributed to Uranus include; high intelligence, imagination, knowledge, and technology.  

      Uranus has been positioned in the sign of Taurus (an Earth sign, ruled by Venus, and symbolized by the Bull), since 2018. Both Taurus and Venus signify positive money related matters, and the United States Stock Market has responded with a rather lengthy bull market (with 2022 as the exception). Advancements during this time frame continue to be financially and futuristic technology based, including AI, space, electric vehicles, and Bitcoin, as the planet Uranus (technology and sudden change) remained positioned in Taurus.  

      The planet Jupiter has also been positioned in the sign of Taurus, since Spring of 2023, which has supported the equities bull market rally. There is a highly anticipated Jupiter conjunct Uranus transit (see Trader Transit blog on 4-3-24), occurring in two weeks, on April 20, signifying more advances, as Jupiter tends to exaggerate and expand. However, a Mercury retrograde period (see Trader Transit blog on 4-1-24), that historically causes volatility in the equity markets, may pause those advances for the short term. Jupiter will also move out of Taurus, and into the sign of Gemini, in late May. 

      Uranus will remain in Taurus until early July of 2025, when it transitions into the sign of Gemini (an Air sign, ruled by Mercury). Gemini has some similar traits shared with Uranus, as it represents imagination, forward thinking, invention, learning, communications, and intelligence. In the financial markets, it signifies information technology, transportation, and electronics. Stay tuned for a detailed blog regarding this transit in early 2025. 

      An area of concern, and high volatility, is likely to occur in the equity markets beginning in mid-August, at the outset of the highly anticipated Jupiter/Saturnsquare,” and the early September Uranus retrograde period, that lasts through the end of January 2025. These energies will likely wreak havoc in the markets, especially on the Nasdaq. Although new highs may continue to be reached, expect the unexpected, with several sudden pullbacks and/or surges. 

      Uranus can be a game-changer, but it generally takes quite a long time to develop with its extended stay in each sign. 

      As always, you can visit the website for a FREE birth chart, and book a personal reading, for you or your business, with experienced astrologer Ophilia Luna, at a very reasonable price. 


***This information is not intended to be financial advice, but rather a guide to assist the reader in some further understanding of movements in the sky, and how they can correlate with moods, behaviors, world events, and financial markets.


