
As discussed in Chapter 4 of our publication, “When to Buy and When to Sell: Combining Easy Indicators, Charts, and Financial Astrology”(available on Amazon), and our Sign Language – Introduction blog dated 3-24-24, the zodiacal signs are part of every individual and business’ birth charts, based on date and time of birth, incorporation, or first public trade date on an equity index. 

     As documented, the general/mundane zodiac begins with the sign of Aries (as the 1st house), and the houses then move counter-clockwise around the zodiac wheel, until they reach the 12th house, completing the cycle. Also noted is the fact that the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th are the financially focused houses, though others can have minor influences. On our website we will periodically discuss these energies regarding the mundane/general collective and the U.S. Stock Market first trade date chart. 

     Today’s focus is the sign of Pisces, which resides in the 12th house of the zodiac (based on the Aries Rising chart). Pisces is a mystery, dreamy, artistic, delusional-themed sign, symbolized by Two Fishes, and is a water, mutable, female sign, ruled by the planet Jupiter. This signs’ traits include creativity, imagination, spirituality, and idealism. As mentioned, whenever a specific sign “season” occurs, the Sun shines its energies and brings it to the forefront, and this Piscesseason” (when the Sun is traveling through the sign of Pisces) runs from February 19, through March 20, 2025. Pisces “season” is often a bit choppy in the U.S. equity markets, so be cautious and selective.  

     As noted, the 12th is not one of the financially focused houses of the zodiac. This position symbolizes endings/loss, misfortune, the subconscious, and spirituality. In the financial markets, Pisces (the 12th sign) signifies the arts, music, and pharmaceutical industries. With Jupiter (expansion and luck) overseeing this sign, continued gains in sectors including healthcare, entertainment, and futuristic technology are likely. However, Jupiter’s current position in Gemini forms a square aspect to Pisces, containing Saturn (restriction) and Neptune (delusion), which is associated with price limits and volatility. 

     This Pisces season contains a few interesting planetary aspects, including the planet Mercury entering the sign just a few days into this season. Combined with Neptune (which it will conjunct on March 1st), the mixed communication adds to the already volatile state of the equity markets. Mercury is considered “debilitated” in the sign of Pisces, basically inferring its logical approach does not jive with the dreamy illusion of Pisces, and the hope of its ruler, Jupiter. The next Mercury retrograde will also occur in this sign, further suggesting a potential pullback in markets. 

      A Venus retrograde will also begin on March 1, lasting about 6 weeks through April 12. The last instance in late July of 2023 resulted in a lengthy market pullback, as it has in the past. Venus itself will transit back-and-forth between Aries and Pisces during this time frame, signifying passive-aggressive price action, so beware. 

      Mars retrograde (which began on December 6) will remain in effect through Pisces season, in the sign of Cancer, also likely continuing the intense price moves in the equity markets. The rare combination of Mercury, Venus, and Mars retrogrades is sure to be interesting and unsettling in all markets. 

      Finally, the planets Saturn (since March 7, 2023) and Neptune (since April 4, 2011) continue toward the end of their current journeys through Pisces, which, as mentioned earlier,  also signifies endings itself as the last sign in the zodiac. The “hidden truths” (Neptune) that are coming to light are accelerating, including many government (Saturn) secrets. This season promises to be tumultuous, leading to new beginnings in the aggressive sign of Aries, which follows.   

     As noted, some sectors to watch for this Pisces season as the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune occupy the sign, include defense, medical, technology, and cryptocurrency. Taking some profits and holding cash for future opportunities continue to be a consideration for the time being, with the constant fluctuations in the markets.  

     Finally, all birth/natal charts are unique, and every individual (or business) possesses its own set of planetary and sign positions in each house. For your own personal reading, visit the website, where you can receive your FREE chart, and book a personal assessment from experienced Astrologer Ophilia Luna, at a very reasonable price!


***This information is not intended to be financial advice, but rather a guide to assist the reader in some further understanding of movements in the sky, and how they can correlate with moods, behaviors, world events, and financial markets.


