Mercury Retrograde
In this installment of “Planet Power,” we will discuss the phenomenon known as Mercury Retrograde, briefly mentioned in our new publication “When to Buy and When to Sell;” Combining Easy Indicators, Charts, and Financial Astrology (available on Amazon).
Each planet and entity in the universe/solar system has a rotational direction around the Sun, that moves in varying time lengths through the zodiac signs in the sky. Retrograde refers to the occasional time-frame when a planet slows to a stop (called stationing), and “appears” to move backward. The energies of the planet or entities will weakening, or act the opposite during the retrograde, and can cause havoc in the sign or transit they are positioned in. The financial markets can also be affected by certain retrogrades, and usually are.
Mercury, one of the faster moving planets, known as The Messenger, generally experiences retrograde periods 2-3 times per calendar year, with the current period beginning April 1, 2024, and ending April 25, 2024. Over time, the Mercury retrograde has been well-known for increased volatility in the markets, with no clear trend direction, and some significant daily price swings. Investors are normally advised to steer clear of swing trading during these time frames, and only the very experienced should attempt to day trade. Long-term investments are not usually highly affected, as the phenomenon is not known to reverse long-term trends, though remaining unemotional is the key.
This specific retrograde period will be met with an important Jupiter conjunct Uranus transit on April 20, 2024 (see Trader Transits blog dated 4/3/24), which may further heighten the already volatile market. This transit is considered positive for a time following the transit, but may cause sudden large dips leading to that date, as Jupiter signifies expansion and Uranus symbolizes sudden, unexpected change. Watch for the technology sector (Mercury and Uranus) to be vulnerable during these dates.
Be wary of the Mercury Retrograde! (It occurs again in early August)
***This information is not intended to be financial advice, but rather a guide to assist the reader in some further understanding of movements in the sky, and how they can correlate with moods, behaviors, world events, and financial markets.