
As discussed in Chapter 4 of our publication, “When to Buy and When to Sell: Combining Easy Indicators, Charts, and Financial Astrology” (available on Amazon), and our Sign Language – Introduction blog dated 3-24-24, the zodiacal signs are part of every individual and business birth charts, based on date and time of birth, incorporation, or first public trade date (on an equity index). 

     As documented, the general/mundane zodiac begins with the sign of Aries (as the 1st house), and the houses then move counter-clockwise around the zodiac wheel, until they reach the 12th house, completing the cycle. Also noted is the fact that the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th are the financially focused houses, though others can have minor influences. On our website will periodically discuss these energies regarding the mundane (general collective) and the U.S. Stock Market first trade date chart.

    Today’s focus is the sign of Taurus, which resides in the 2nd house of the zodiac (based on the Aries Rising chart). Taurus is an Earth, fixed, female sign, ruled by Venus. Some of its attributes include grounded-ness, stubbornness, reliable, and slow-moving. Taurus is a major money themed sign, however, which it has in common with Venus, a major money themed planet. Financial categories represented include one’s own employment, income, possessions, work ethic, and the concept of money itself. Taurus is also symbolized by the Bull, which is also the positive trend signifier of the equity markets. Taurus “season” (when the Sun is traveling through the sign of Taurus) runs generally runs from April 20 to May 20 annually, but officially began on April 19th in 2024. Whenever a specific sign “season” occurs, the Sun shines its energies and brings it to the forefront, and the Sun just happens to be in its “home” sign of Taurus for the U.S. Stock Market.

       Historically, seasonal volatility is common during this time frame, though each year can be slightly different, of course, depending on macro events and planetary transits/aspects.

      The current Mercury Retrograde period (see Trader Transits blog dated 4-1-24), which will be in effect from April 1 – April 26 this year, is expected to be very volatile, at least until the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, in Taurus (see Trader Transits blog dated 4-3-24), officially beginning on April 20 (which is also the date of the Bitcoin halving event).  

       Mercury (which represents communications and some forms of technology) retrograde is a well-known period for the inexperienced to avoid trading, as the market direction often becomes unclear. It is also generally a time to avoid business contracts, and to expect electronic issues, which could affect automatic trading systems. 

      Jupiter (the planet of luck and expansion) conjunct Uranus (sudden change/technology) lends to the volatility and wild swings of the equity markets. Jupiter, which is also known to a significant influence on, and expand the energies of, the sign it enters, has been in Taurus about 1 year, a time in which financial markets, digital currencies, and technology (Uranus – also in Taurus), have prospered. Jupiter will be changing signs on May 25, 2024, when it enters the sign of Gemini, the zodiacal 3rd house (see future blog).    

       Financial astrologers currently have a common perspective that conditions should improve following this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, as Mercury Retrograde will also be fading out, with technology again leading the way. The energies of Taurus are expected to be very strong with many planets stationed in, and passing through, in the 2024 season. There may be some bumps along the way in June, with the new moon on the 6th, also occurring in Gemini, and a late in the month Saturn (restriction) influence as well. 

      However, some sectors to watch for gains as Jupiter settles into Gemini include space exploration, AI, electric vehicles, and transportation. This transit will be discussed in another Trader Transit discussion in the near future, as will Gemini in an upcoming Sign Language episode. 

       Finally, all birth/natal charts are unique, and every individual (or business) possesses its own set of planetary and sign positions in each house. For your own personal reading, visit the website, where you can receive your FREE chart, and book a personal assessment from experienced Astrologer Ophilia Luna, at a very reasonable price!


